
Big Wack Attack


“I’ve noticed a phenomenon that I’m curious about. It’s pretty common in gay porn. In fact, it happens to me and some of the male sexual partners I’ve had. On approaching the point of climax, men seem to blurt out curse words. Something along the lines of “Oh f***, oh sh**, I’m coming!” Or maybe a string of f-words. Seems most common when giving a bit of warning of impending ejaculation to a partner. 

Im no prude but I rarely use curse words generally, so this is kind of off the wall for me when I hear myself doing it.

Is it as common among men as I think it is?

Is it mainly from men, or do women curse at climax too? (My experience is limited here.)

Is it related to some cerebral process related to orgasm, connecting the brain and the dick or prostate? I’m thinking how people with Tourettes Syndrome have uncontrolled cursing at times, triggered by something that happens in the brain. Is there a medical explanation for this? 

Just curious to hear from you and fellow readers about this.”

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Andrei, Enrique & Serge

20 October 2024