Belami - Freshmen / Photos / Videos

Giulio Pasolini & Serge Cavalli



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In some ways, joining BelAmi is like joining a fraternity. Despite the odd spat, all of the guys really get along well together and share a common sense of humor and love of playing little jokes on each other. Giulio is the target of Serge’s little joke today when he keeps sending him back to the bathroom to shave better… just to see how long his buddy will take before catching on. Once the game is over though Serge makes eveything good by treating his younger buddy to some first class fucking. The irony of Serge’s joke isn’t lost on us though, as Giulio may be the model with the least facial hair, but he is also has one of the fuzziest butts in the team, something that really seems to turn Serge on.


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101 Boy Videos

9 February 2022